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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- January 17

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Interesting things that happened January 17th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1706 Benjamin Franklin, famous kite flyer, statesman, wit
  In 1771 Charles Brockden Brown, father of the American novel
  In 1860 Anton Chekhov (in Russia), writer
  In 1880 Mack Sennett, created Keystone Kops
  In 1899 Alphonse Capone (in Brooklyn, New York), famous tax evader
  In 1922 Betty White, (in Oak Park, IL), actor (Golden Girls)
  In 1926 Moira Shearer, ballerina, actor
  In 1927 Eartha Kitt, singer, actor
  In 1931 James Earl Jones, actor, narrator, voice of Darth Vader
        + Douglas Wilder
  In 1933 Sheree North (in Los Angeles, CA), actor
  In 1934 Shari Lewis (in Bronx, NY), puppeteer
  In 1939 Maury Povich, talk show host
  In 1942 Muhammad Ali, boxer who floats like a butterfly, stinks like a ...
          sinks ... stings like a bee
  In 1944 Joe Frazier, another boxer (amazing, eh?)
  In 1945 William Hart, singer (The Delfonics)
  In 1948 Mick Taylor, guitarist (Rolling Stones)
  In 1949 Andy Kaufman, actor (Taxi), comedian
        + Debbie Watson (in Culver City, CA)
  In 1955 Steve Earle, singer
  In 1956 David Caruso, actor
        + Paul Young, singer
  In 1957 Susanna Hoffs, singer (The Bangles)
  In 1962 Jim Carrey, comedian, actor (The Mask, The Truman Show)
  In 1966 Shabba Ranks, singer
  In 1981 Ray J, singer
  In 1982 Amanda Wilkinson, singer

Events worth noting:
  In 1377 Pope Gregory XI moves the papacy from Avignon back to Rome.
  In 1611 A new translation of the Bible is begun at the request of James
  In 1773 James Cook becomes first explorer to cross Arctic Circle.
  In 1861 An improved flush toilet is patented by Thomas Crapper.
  In 1863 Skirmish near Newtown, Virginia.
  In 1864 General Longstreet's command ends heavy fighting at Dandridge, TN.
  In 1871 First Cable Car is patented by Andrew S. Hallidie.
  In 1893 The Kingdom of Hawaii becomes a republic.
        + The 19th U.S. president, Rutherford B. Hayes, dies in Fremont, Ohio.
  In 1917 US buys Virgin Islands from Denmark.
  In 1928 1st fully automatic photographic film developing machine is
  In 1929 Popeye makes first appearance, in comic strip "Thimble Theatre."
  In 1943 It's Tin Can Drive Day -- an effort to conserve for the war.
  In 1946 The United Nations Security Council held its first meeting.
  In 1950 The U.S.S. Missouri (site of the Japanese surrender in 1945)
          grounded a half-mile inland from Chesapeake Bay.  There it spent two
          ignominious weeks before it was successfully refloated.
        + First million-dollar heist -- the Great Brinks Robbery in Boston.
  In 1955 First voyage of USS Nautilus, the first nuclear-powered sub.
  In 1957 9-county commission in California recommends creation of BART.
  In 1961 In his farewell address, President Eisenhower warned against the
          rise of "the military-industrial complex."
  In 1977 Gary Gilmore executed in Utah, first is US since 1967.
  In 1984 US Supreme Court rules that "time shifting" via video tape is legal.
  In 1989 Five children were shot to death at the Cleveland Elementary School
          in Stockton, California, by a drifter who then killed himself.
  In 1991 At approx. 1:00 am Baghdad local time, allied forces attacked.
  In 1994 A 6.7 magnitude earthquake struck Southern California, killing at
          least 61 people and causing $20 billion worth of damage.
        + Microsoft CEO Bill Gates marries Melinda French.
  In 1995 More than 6000 people were killed when a 7.2 magnitude earthquake
          devastated the city of Kobe, Japan.
  In 1997 First divorce in Ireland granted.

And remember ...
  National Oatmeal Month
  International Get Over It Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM